The Onco.Rehab integrative oncology clinic uses the latest technologies for its patients. For example, the equipment for photodynamic activation therapy with biofeedback has been specially designed for Onco.Rehab.
The life and health of our patients, the efficiency of treatment depend largely on the quality of the equipment that we apply.
The system is used for the treatment of oncological diseases by means of modulated electro-hyperthermia. This technique represents local exposure to an alternating high-frequency electric field on the diseased area.
To get a consultation/hospitalization in OOO “Onkoklinika” you should go to the clinic residence (oncology clinic) at the place of your and take a reference (057-U) with the signature of your treating doctor and the seal of the medical organization.
The manager contacts patients just after the concilium of doctors (every Thursday) where the specialists look through all the documents and make a decision about the necessary treatment.
Medical Network