ALPDT with BFB: why survival rate in Onco.Rehab is 73% higher. Methodology principle and registration for treatment

ALPDT with BFB is a technology developed by Onco.Rehab. It is based on the method of photodynamic therapy, which has been used in oncology for more than 30 years. There are no analogues of ALPDT with BFB in Russia or in the world. The equipment was developed specifically for Onco.Rehab on the basis of the installation for the chronophototherapy method (restoration of healthy biorhythms of cells and the body in general) with biofeedback. It was developed by the Doctor of Biological Sciences Professor S.L. Zaguskin together with the Nobel laureate, Academician A. M. Prokhorov. One of the older versions of this approach was proposed by Dr. V.A. Borisov.

Adaptive lymphotropic photodynamic therapy in the Onco.Rehab clinic

The full description of the new method is following:

Adaptive lymphotropic photodynamic therapy (ALPDT) with biofeedback (BFB) is an advanced methodology of cancer treatment that is based on the method of photodynamic therapy (PDT).

To understand the working principle of the new method, let’s first learn more about the old one, on the basis of which ALPDT with BFB was developed.


The procedure of PDT

About the conventional method of PDT and work of photosensitizers

Photodynamic therapy is widely used for cancer treatment. A drug that increases sensitivity to radiation is injected into the body. This drug is called photosensitizer. It spreads throughout the body and accumulates in tumour cells.

Photosensitizers are harmless and are made from algae. For photosensitization the Onco.Rehab clinic mainly uses Chlorine E6. It is a plant pigment derived from chlorophyll. Its molecules are necessary for the existence of all cells, both plant and animal, as well as human cells.

The drug with chlorine E6 can be administered in three ways: intravenously, via the lymphatic system and rectally, via the rectum. It depends on the location of the tumour, disease features and its treatment.

Cancer cells divide and grow very rapidly, they need a lot of building material, including chlorine E6. The more active the tumour becomes, the more chlorine E6 it accumulates. Healthy cells, on the other hand, do not need its molecules. So, the excess of the injected drug, which was not absorbed by cancer cells, is removed through the liver and the intestine.

Sensitization can be interpreted as “increase of sensitivity”. Thus, cells rich in chlorine E6 become sensitive. When a laser beam hits them, it damages cell walls. Intercellular fluid gets inside the cell. The cell swells, the pressure rises from the inside. The membrane tears apart, the cell loses its integrity and viability. The tumour becomes smaller, and healthy cells try to replace the cancer ones.

Disadvantages of conventional photodynamic therapy

There are several key points that limit the use of the standard methodology and even make it impossible in some cases:

  • The laser penetrates no deeper than 0.6-3 cm (depending on the type of tissue), which means that only superficial tumours can be treated. Another variant is to make an incision ad insert a laser light guide into it.
  • If there are any peculiarities of the blood supply in the pathological area, for example, closely located blood vessels, there is a risk of damage.
  • The course of PDT does not take into account the individual response to the therapy and cannot be adjusted to it.
  • There is no possibility to synchronize the laser operation with the body biorhythms. It makes the procedure insufficiently effective.

To increase the treatment efficiency, the methodology of adaptive lymphotropic photodynamic therapy (ALPDT) with biofeedback has been developed. As the experience of the Onco.Rehab clinic shows, this technology gives 20-50% better results than its previous version.

Ph.D. S.S. Kupov and Professor S. L. Zaguskin improved the methodology in its key points:

  • Accumulation of the maximum amount of photosensitizer. At the adaptive lymphotropic photodynamic therapy the drug is injected directly into the lymphatic system. With the lymph flow it reaches cancer cells which actively absorb and accumulate it.
  • Chlorine E6 gets inside the lymph nodes. It decreases the risk of its negative effect on organs and systems where cancer cells are absent.
  • The Onco.Rehab equipment monitors the processes and reactions in the body. The computer synchronizes activation and deactivation of the laser with the phases of breathing and heartbeat. It is the basic principle of biofeedback: to hit at the right and most opportune moment for higher efficiency. The development of this algorithm is a unique achievement of Onco.Rehab, thanks to which the effectiveness of treatment increases significantly.

New method. Work principle of ALPDT wit BFB

The fundamental difference between ALPDT with BFB and photodynamic therapy is, besides cancer treatment, in the recovery of metabolic, immune, protective, adaptive processes on the cellular level, and normalization of functioning of organs and body systems.

Previously, PDT was an independent method. Now it is a part of a cascade of technologies that are used in ALPDT. If the conventional approach meant the procedure of treating cancer cells with a laser (PDT), now a holistic approach, which restores the functioning of the entire body system, is being used.

This holistic approach is also called integrative. Below we will tell you about integrative oncology, but now let’s learn more about all components of the methodology.

What is activation therapy?

Activation therapy is a legal “doping”, which not only boosts the mood, but also gives vitality that is necessary to fight cancer. Its advantage is that there is no need in injections. It is possible to take it in the form of drops according to the certain scheme. The drugs for drops themselves are very simple: peony, ginseng, eleutherococcus, todikamp, etc. Activation therapy answers not only the question of what to take, but also how to do it on an individual basis. It is a unique opportunity to personify the course of activation therapy.

Different kinds of electromagnetic radiation, immunomodulators and natural adoptogens, work with an oncopsychologist and other means are used for this purpose.

  • The scheme of activation therapy in the Onco.Rehab clinic is adjusted individually for each patient.
  • The combination of several activation factors is used.
  • The program is selected so that there is no excessive activation, stimulation and, as a result, depletion of the body resources is avoided.
  • It is selected so that all components restore the balance not in one, but in several systems and organs.
  • The patient’s reaction is monitored with the help of a specially developed questionnaire.
  • The functioning of organs and systems is controlled.
  • The scheme can be corrected if it is necessary.
Eight principles of activation therapy for cancer. Sergey Kupov, doctor of Onco.Rehab clinic.

What is “lymphotropic”?

“Lymphotropic” means the administration of photosensitizers via the lymphatic pathways. An area is selected where the lymph nodes are as close to the tumour as possible. Then the drug is injected (depending on where the tumour is located); it usually takes cancer cells 1-3 hours to absorb maximum of photosensitizer.


Photosensitizer administration in lymphotropic therapy

What is BFB?

All biological processes in the body are repeated in a certain period of time: a human breaths or wants to sleep cyclically. The process of energy exchange between body cells and tissues is synchronized with breathing and heart rate.

The methodology of ALPDT uses biological feedback (BFB), a method of synchronization of laser work with the functioning of the blood supply and respiratory systems.

There are sensors on the patient's body that monitor the breathing rhythm and the cycles of blood passing through the vessels. The information is transmitted to the computer, which instantly reads and processes the information. It turns on and off the laser radiation when the blood flow in capillaries gives minimal resistance. It allows to increase the penetration depth of the laser beam.

The use of biofeedback sensors gives the opportunity to transfer the laser radiation energy not only to superficial neoplasms, but also to the tumours in depth: areas from 6 to 10 cm become accessible to the laser due to the relay retransmission effect of professor S. L. Zaguskin.

Unique equipment of Onco.Rehab

To carry out the procedure of adaptive lymphotropic photodynamic therapy with biofeedback a unique set of laser equipment is used. It was developed exclusively for the Onco.Rehab clinic. It has three lasers, each of them plays its own role.

  • The laser of intermittent radiation for cancer treatment, with wavelengths specially tuned to intensity exposure and length.
  • The laser of invisible spectrum activates the immune response of the patient's body.
  • The powerful laser for the treatment of malignant tumours of considerable size and volume. It has a "headlamp" format, i.e. a large area radiation source.

How do healthy cells “understand” that they can grow in empty spaces and cancerous cells know that they must die?

Laser radiation is not only a physical method of exposure. As it works synchronously with the biological processes of the body, the mechanism of "relay transmission" is launched. Using electromagnetic and acoustic waves, healthy cells transmit signals that there is synchronization of cellular processes and work of the entire body. They begin to work in the rhythm of healthy cells movement, which differs from the vibration mode of cancer cells. The desynchronization of a healthy rhythm and a cancerous one occurs. Apoptosis, a natural process of self-destruction, is triggered in malignant cells.

Just imagine: you are in a room with your friends and exchange vibrations in the form of smells. Cells exchange vibrations in the same way. Then a very odorous fruit appears in the room. Its scent is so strong that you stop smelling anything but it. The tumour is this fruit.

What can be done with the odorous fruit? It can be taken out of the room, or a powerful hood can be put next to it, which will draw in all its scent. And an odor neutralizer won’t hurt. The same situation is with a tumour. You can get rid of it surgically, or you can direct the antiphase: suppress all its electromagnetic signals to expand. Tumour cells will have no choice but to collapse.

To provide a biofeedback system, not only blood supply and breathing are taken into account. It is only a part of the methodology. For integrative methods all the details and features of body functioning are important. Therefore, the program for monitoring the body reaction considers many individual indicators: the patient's age and general health; the presence of chronic diseases and well-being at the time of the procedure; the results of laboratory tests: biochemistry, the level of vitamins and minerals, immunograms, tumour markers (special substances that some tumours produce and by which they can be recognized) and others.


Systemic impact of laser on the patient

The essence of the integrative approach for cancer treatment

The integrative approach, which includes ALPDT with BFB, is the creation of a new health model of the whole person.

It is the development of a “cancer intolerant environment” inside the body at all stages:

  • Beginning with the food we eat.
  • The water we drink.
  • The gases we breathe.
  • The level of adaptation we are in.
  • The state of immunity.
  • Ending with thoughts (and the psychological and emotional system in general), which form the regulatory signals for us. The integrative approach involves mutual strengthening of effects of conventional and integrative methods. The Onco.Rehab clinic has found ways to combine domestic cancer treatment protocols and modern integrative methodologies that are actively used in cancer centers in South Korea, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Israel, Mexico and other countries where lifespan and remission rate are higher than in Russia.

For patients, integrative approaches mean years of quality life:

  • Even for palliative patients, including those with stage 4 cancer, life can be prolonged by 5-7 or more years.
    In combination with integrative treatment, the effectiveness of classical protocols increases by 4 times. Cancer is becoming a chronic disease that needs to be properly and regularly monitored. From this point of view, it can be compared with diabetes. If you leave this chronic disease untreated, the quality of life and lifespan will rapidly decrease. Insulin, diet and physical activity allows to control diabetes and live the life of healthy people.
  • Survival of patients with stage 2 cancer over 5 years is 79.8% among patients of integrative oncology clinics and only 66.7% when using only standard methods of treatment.
  • ALPDT reduces the risk of recurrence, cancer return. In more than 50% of cases after treatment with conventional protocols, cancer returns. At the same time the use of classic cancer therapy in combination with integrative methods allows to control the process of malignant growth and micrometastasis that provokes recurrence.

5-year, 10-year and 15-year survival rate of patients being treated with the conventional therapy (green graph) and with integrative protocols (pink graph). The large pink percentages on the right mean how many more patients survived after being treated with integrative protocols compared to standard therapy.

Here is the result of treatment with integrative methods

A 67-year-old woman came to the Onco.Rehab clinic with a diagnosis of breast cancer with brain metastases.


The MRI scan on the left shows a nidus about 8 mm in size.

The patient received the following treatment: immunotherapy and chemotherapy. At the consultation in Onco.Rehab, it was decided to include in the scheme methods of integrative oncotherapy:

  • hyperthermia,
  • ALPDT with BFB, and
  • activation metabolomic therapy with an individual selection of phytopreparations.

The result is a complete remission confirmed by the MRI scan on the right. Here it is important to underline once again that treatment with integrative methods does not mean that conventional schemes will be cancelled, since the combination of both approaches is the most effective.

How long is the course of treatment?

ALPDT with BFB is included in the basic treatment program of Onco.Rehab.

The treatment course for malignant neoplasms comprises 10-15 procedures. It is recommended to conduct several courses with an interval from 3-4 weeks to several months between them, depending on the severity of the disease and the patient's condition.

ALPDT with biofeedback is compatible with other treatment methods; they can be carried out even on the same day. The procedure is painless, it does not require patient’s active participation: the staff will help you to take a comfortable position, you can communicate, doze, read.

The procedure is payable, from 120,000–150,000 rubles per month. CMI can partially cover the price of this treatment, but under certain conditions:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • CMI policy and residence in Moscow or in other regions, but not in the Moscow region;
  • stage 4 cancer (with bone metastases);
  • 057-U reference from the treating physician from the hospital at the place of residence.

Doctors work by appointment. So even if you have all the documents and references, you need to call Onco.Rehab for a preliminary consultation or make an appointment in another convenient way.

+7 (495) 145-69-57 (daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.)

Cancer treatment is carried out step by step. First, we stabilize the patient's condition. If we reach positive results, we begin systemic work. For 2-3 years we perform photodynamic therapy, support the patient with medications, conduct chemotherapy treating the patient intensively.

If after these 2 or 3 years we see a complete stabilization of the patient's condition, without metastases and malignant growth of tumours, the intensity of the treatment decreases.

Only such systematic constancy, regular treatment and preventive procedures, as well as lifestyle changes, can bring cancer under control.

Regular courses based on our protocols allow to achieve a positive outcome in 70-90% of cases: stable remission or regression of the tumour.

For patients who would like to get treatment in Onco.Rehab, but are not sure about the result, there is an opportunity to receive treatment under the “risk sharing” program. It is used when:

  • The patient has a high chance of a positive outcome.
  • The patient has doubts about the methods of the clinic.
  • Doctors are confident in the treatment efficiency.

If the patient does not have the expected improvements, the Onco.Rehab clinic will refund him up to 75% of the money spent on treatment.


ALPDT procedure is carried out under the supervision of medical personnel

ALPDT with BFB is available only at the Onco.Rehab clinic

ALPDT with BFB is performed on the unique equipment designed specifically for the clinic of integrative oncology Onco.Rehab. The equipment is based on the principles discovered by academician A.M. Prokhorov and professor S.L. Zaguskin, who had thoroughly studied the system of cell regulation under the laser exposure.

This method of integrative oncology provides a huge number of positive changes, and each of them is important for recovery:

  • Stimulates the restoration of functioning of organs and systems at the cellular level.
  • Activates the immune system.
  • Increases the body resistance.
  • Improves the quality of life.
  • Increases vitality; reduces anxiety, fatigue.
  • Provides high rates of recovery and remission.

Both conventional methods of tumour treatment and advanced technologies are available to Onco.Rehab patients. They can be combined and create an individual treatment protocol that will take into account all patient’s peculiarities, from age to the disease course. This approach is appreciated abroad.

Patients of our partner clinics receive virotherapy and therapy with dendritic cells in Germany and come to Onco.Rehab for ALPDT and hyperthermia courses. These treatment methods are perfectly combined with each other and give a high percentage of successful outcomes.

Patients from Western Europe come to us to receive treatment with integrative medicine methods. We treat patients from Germany, Ireland, Sweden and other countries. Their choice is influenced, among other factors, by the affordability of the treatment in comparison with similar protocols in European countries. Although for foreign citizens, treatment at Onco.Rehab is more expensive than for Russians.

Patients who have completed a course of ALPDT with BFB notice:

  • Improved quality of life - manifested in reduced pain, increased appetite and activity, restored sleep, reduced drowsiness and other positive changes.
  • Normalization of immunity: for example, normalization of the immunogram (tests) and an increase of the pool of immune cells that are responsible for the tumour destruction.
  • Life extension: in comparison with patients who did not receive this treatment.
  • Prevention of metastasis formation, sustainable remission and even recovery.

The procedure cannot guarantee remission or recovery, but in most cases our patients see significant stabilization of the cancer process.

What do doctors say about the ALPDT methodology (with BFB)?

Sergey Kupov, MD, PhD, the Chief Doctor of the Onco.Rehab network of clinics:

There are no such technologies in Germany, Israel, or the USA. Russia has traditionally been strong in the field of laser development, and the Nobel prize, won by the creator of the first laser, academician A. M. Prokhorov, proves it. Fortunately, Russia has kept scientific developments of the Soviet period that are relevant at the present time. We took all the best from Soviet fundamental science, transferred it to a modern element base and together with the partners developed a unique methodology and equipment.

Shameev Alexander Anatolyevich, deputy head physician, surgical oncologist of the Onco.Rehab clinic Network:

In this technology, we have implemented long-term experience in treatment of cancer patients at the most severe stages. When combining this method with hyperthermia, the effectiveness of treatment increases by more than 30% on average. It is confirmed by the studies conducted by our Japanese colleagues.

  • Integrative oncology methods are 1.5-2 times more effective at all stages of cancer in addition to standard therapy methods.
  • Addition of integrative oncology to standard approaches increases overall survival among patients for 5 years by 49% (from 49% to 73%).
  • Thanks to integrative oncology, 8 times more people with stage 4 cancer cross the line of 15 years of the disease.


Learn more about the unique methods of the first Russian clinic of integrative oncology Onco.Rehab by leaving an application.


How much does your health cost?
990 €
cost of one
procedure of integrative
number of
number of
months of
months 1
1 month
240 months
Stage of the disease
procedures 1
1 procedure
2400 procedures
Survival rate will be:
Integrative oncology
Standard therapy
* We recommend to take 1 course of 10 procedures every month.
How to get the screening and treatment
We accept the patients from all regions of the Russian Federation and all over the world
Visit the treating doctor
Visit the treating doctor

To get a consultation/hospitalization in OOO “Onkoklinika” you should go to the clinic residence (oncology clinic) at the place of your and take a reference (057-U) with the signature of your treating doctor and the seal of the medical organization.

Get the referral and a record from the medical card
List of necessary tests and documents to get the treatment and medicines in “OncoClinic”, ltd

1. CBC, UA (valid for 5 days).
2. Blood chemistry: creatinine, urea, AST, ALT, protein total, bilirubin (valid for 14 days).
3. ECG with the interpretation (valid for 1 month).


1. Originals of the passport.
2. All medical documents concerning the patient’s disease (abstracts, MRI, CT, PET/CT, MSCT, ultrasound and other screenings), the abstract from the patient file.
3. The conclusion of a medical commission with the recommended medicine.
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Type the letters you see on the picture*
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Get the information about the time and date of the appointment during 72 hours

The manager contacts patients just after the concilium of doctors (every Thursday) where the specialists look through all the documents and make a decision about the necessary treatment.


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