Breast cancer can spread to other tissues and organs. Most often, it extends to the nearest lymph nodes, however, metastases can appear in the lungs, bones, liver, and brain.
We provide a non-surgical therapeutic course that employs cutting-edge techniques such as photodynamic therapy and electro-hyperthermia. Precise exposure on cancer cells with high temperatures and light energy gives positive results in breast cancer treatment. The combination of these two methods is considered to be the most effective.
The Onco.Rehab clinic directed the development of a new technology: activation photodynamic therapy with biofeedback (APDT). Electrohyperthermia and activation photodynamic therapy equipment exclusive to the Russian Federation allows for more effective treatment of most cancer diseases.
The programme of treatment consists of 12 procedures.
To get a consultation/hospitalization in OOO “Onkoklinika” you should go to the clinic residence (oncology clinic) at the place of your and take a reference (057-U) with the signature of your treating doctor and the seal of the medical organization.
The manager contacts patients just after the concilium of doctors (every Thursday) where the specialists look through all the documents and make a decision about the necessary treatment.
Medical Network