As with other cancer diseases, lung cancer requires selective treatment tactics. The clinic of integrative oncology Onco.Rehab conducts therapeutic treatment with the use of a unique method of activation photodynamic therapy with biofeedback (APDT). This method knows no equal and is carried out on unique equipment in combination with the procedure of electro-hyperthermia.
The difference from traditional photodynamic therapy is that it gives a doctor the opportunity to choose the laser to fight against the disease. Penetrating deep into the tissue, light energy kills atypical cells, which traditional PDT cannot reach.
The minimal number of procedures for getting the desired effect is 12.
To get a consultation/hospitalization in OOO “Onkoklinika” you should go to the clinic residence (oncology clinic) at the place of your and take a reference (057-U) with the signature of your treating doctor and the seal of the medical organization.
The manager contacts patients just after the concilium of doctors (every Thursday) where the specialists look through all the documents and make a decision about the necessary treatment.
Medical Network